CalliPay’s CalliMail is a hybrid mail system, an electronic enhancement to the traditional paper mail system. CalliMail automatically creates required documents (such as NACHA required letters) that can then be delivered concurrently in both electronic and paper format. Whether you are complying with federal regulations or your own good business practices, CalliMail integrates into our multi path payment presentment flow yet still offers such powerful features as the ability to generate unique document ID’s for secure and reliable document retrieval.
Use CalliMail in three ways:
- Extend your regular payment activity by adding paper confirmations and other compliance related documents.
- Add a personal touch and an additional feature to any of your various presentment products.
- Lower the cost per transaction and gain flexibility by creating your own mass mailings for marketing, research, or any non-financial transaction, and do it in batches of any size.
For more information on CalliMail, please contact us.